BOD meeting July2021

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 16 Jul 2021
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Zoom online
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD meeting July2021
Meeting Agenda First BOD meeting of the year will be on Friday 16 th July Scheduled on Zoom @7.30 pm - 8.30 pm 1. Payment of Rotary news magazine subscription 2. Payment to RI of membership as per Invoice received 3. Payment of Club Membership dues. With Atul 4. Payment of the Vaccination Cheques to Tapas care Centre 5. Payment for Renewal of Zoom package 6. Reimbursement of Stationary expenses 7. Followup with Abhijit for his Friend’s sponsorship cheque for Jalgaon O2 concentrator 8. Signages @ TBT ( followup with yogesh) @ Tushar & @ Nemade ji 9. Followup the Handover of Office Documents by Arpita 10. Follow up with Beena to Identify a New School for Interact / Or To carry on Installation @ the old school CDG 11. Make a Probable Members List and then Shortlist/ Call/ Visit the new members; follow up with Chandrakant ji. 12. Tree plantation on 17 July; an Environment project; at Warje : Director Prachi will announce it. 13. Any other subject not in this agenda ; with the permission of chair. 14. If any Director has planned a project for the month of August……
Chief Guest President
Club Members Present 11
Minutes of Meeting . Payment of Rotary news magazine subscription 2. Payment to RI of membership as per Invoice received 3. Payment of Club Membership dues. With Atul 4. Payment of the Vaccination Cheques to Tapas care Centre 5. Payment for Renewal of Zoom package 6. Reimbursement of Stationary expenses 7. Followup with Abhijit for his Friend’s sponsorship cheque for Jalgaon O2 concentrator 8. Signages @ TBT ( followup with yogesh) @ Tushar & @ Nemade ji 9. Followup the Handover of Office Documents by Arpita 10. Follow up with Beena to Identify a New School for Interact / Or To carry on Installation @ the old school CDG 11. Make a Probable Members List and then Shortlist/ Call/ Visit the new members; follow up with Chandrakant ji. 12. Tree plantation on 17 July; an Environment project; at Warje : Director Prachi will announce it. 13. Any other subject not in this agenda ; with the permission of chair. 14. If any Director has planned a project for the month of August…… ( project/s identified /shortlisted ; place of execution identified & general budget planned,) ……please discuss it in the BOD to get approval & BUDGET sanctioned.